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Main pagePhoto & VideoPhotoVasyl Tsagolov, the first edition of the new РАС-UA project

Vasyl Tsagolov, the first edition of the new РАС-UA project

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Photographs provided by the PinchukArtCentre © 2011. Photographed by Sergei Illin

Vasyl Tsagolov. Paintings from "The Fear Has Many Eyes" series
Vasyl Tsagolov. Paintings from "The Fear Has Many Eyes" series
Vasyl Tsagolov. Paintings from "The Fear Has Many Eyes" series
Vasyl Tsagolov. Paintings from "The Fear Has Many Eyes" series
Vasyl Tsagolov. Paintings from "The Fear Has Many Eyes" series
Vasyl Tsagolov. Paintings from "The Fear Has Many Eyes" series
Vasyl Tsagolov. Paintings from "The Fear Has Many Eyes" series
Vasyl Tsagolov. Paintings from "The Fear Has Many Eyes" series