Vernissage of the 4 parallel exhibitions at the PinchukArtCentre
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Photographs provided by the PinchukArtCentre © 2011. Photographed by Sergei Illin and Sergei Tushinskiy
Guests at the vernissage
Eckhard Schneider and Victor Pinchuk
Victor Pinchuk and Damian Ortega
Hans-Jurgen Heimsoeth, Ambassador of Germany to Ukraine and Eckhard Schneider, General director of the PinchukArtCentre
Eckhard Schneider, General director of the PinchukArtCentre and Bjorn Geldhof, artistic manager of the PinchukArtCentre
Eckhard Schneider, Victor Pinchuk and Candice Breitz
Victor Pinchuk and Candice Breitz
Damian Ortega, artist
Damian Ortega, artist
Oleksandr Lavrynovych, The Minister of Justice of Ukraine, with his son and wife
Guests at the vernissage
Bohdan Kluyev with his wife Marina Castillo; Olena Pinchuk, Andrey Kluyev and Victor Pinchuk
Guests at the vernissage
Iryna and Valentin Koval
Anne Durufle, Advisor on Culture and Cooperation, Embassy of France in Ukraine, Vasyl Tsagolov, artist, and Pavlo Gudimov, gallerist
Aleksandr Dubovik, artist, with his wife
Guests at the vernissage
Guests at the vernissage
Eckhard Schneider, General director of the PinchukArtCentre, Jay Jopling, White Cube Gallery
Vasyl Tsagolov, artist
Vasyl Tsagolov, artist
Vladimir Ovcharenko, founder of the Regina Gallery (Moscow), and Bjorn Geldhof, artistic manager of the PinchukArtCentre
Jean-Claude and Victoris Tissot
Eckhard Schneider, General director of the PinchukArtCentre, and Dmytro Logvyn, Executive director of the PinchukArtCentre
Guests at the vernissage
Serhy Smolin, fashion designer
Victor and Olena Pinchuk
Dennis Kazvan, Communications director, Julia McGuffy, Editor-in-chief of, and Vadym Abramov
Boris Lozhkin, President of the Ukrainian Media Holding, and Nadiejda Shalomova
Victor Pinchuk, Andrey Tsagolov, Olena Pinchuk and Andrey Kluyev
Serhy Bukovsky, director, and Victoria Bondar
Olga Freimut, TV presenter
Bohdan Levchuk and Oksana Karavanska
Ostap Stupka, actor and Oleksand Klymenko, artist
Oleksandr Bohutskiy, president-director, ICTV and his wife Olena Kondratiuk
Ostap Stupka with his son Dmytro, and his companion
Ivan Marchuk, artist, and his daughter, violinist Bohdana Pivnenko