Future Generation Art Prize 2012 Award Ceremony
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Photographs provided by the PinchukArtCentre © 2012. Photographed by Sergey Illin and Ivan Liubenko

Artists and the Jury of the Future Generation Art Prize, Victor Pinchuk and the PinchukArtCentre Team

Kyiv Planetarium

Kyiv Planetarium

Artists Emily Roysdon, Ahmet Öğüt, Rayyane Tabet, Marwa Arsanios and Abigail DeVille

Larisa Melnichuk, Member of Parliament of Ukraine

Dmitry Logvin, Executive Director of the PinchukArtCentre

Dennis Kazvan, Communications Director, Victor Pinchuk Foundation, and Oleksandr Bohutskyi, General Director of ICTV TV Channel

Valentin Koval, General Director of M1 Music Channel, with his spouse Iryna

Oleg Bayshev, art director, "Collection" gallery

Lyolya Goldstein, art observer and Maria Khrushyak, curator

American artists and the Future Generation Art Prize nominees Abigail DeVille and Emily Roysdon

Artist and the Future Generation Art Prize nominee Basim Magdy

Artists Emily Roysdon, Ahmet Öğüt, Rayyane Tabet, Marwa Arsanios and Abigail DeVille

Artist Abigail DeVille with her friend

Artists Vladimir Budnikov and Vlada Ralko

Zinaida Likhacheva, designer (right)

Anastasia Barysheva, Denis Belkevich and Yana Barinova

Natalia Karpenko, Chief Editor, "Salon" Magazine, and Igor Karpenko, photographer

Olesya Avramenko, art critic

Lisa German, PinchukArtCentre Curatorial Platform participant, and Ilya Zabolotniy, Mystetskyi Arsenal

Artist Serhiy Poyarkov

Artist Oksana Chepelyk

Tatyana Kochubinska, Andriy Lanko, Maria Lanko, Lisa German and Ekaterina Radchenko

Victor Pinchuk, Founder of the Future Generation Art Prize

Artists Andre Komatsu and Jonathas de Andrade

Artist Oleksandr Klymenko with his spouse

Victor Pinchuk, Ahmet Öğüt and Emily Roysdon

Artist Mykyta Kadan and Art Press journalist Anael Pigeat

Sergey Vasilyev, Editor, "Kommersant" Newspaper, and artist Viktor Sidorenko

Olesya Avramenko, art critic, and artist Tiberiy Silvashi

Artists Jonatas de Andrade and Oleksiy Salmanov

Artist Arsen Savadov

The Future Generation Art Prize 2012 International Jury member Carol Yinghua Lu

Artist Zhanna Kadyrova

Victor Pinchuk, Founder of the Future Generation Art Prize and artists Ksenia Gnylitska and Mykyta Kadan

The Future Generation Art Prize 2012 Award Ceremony guests

Yarosłav Godun, director, Polish Institute in Kyiv

The Future Generation Art Prize 2012 Award Ceremony

The Future Generation Art Prize 2012 Award Ceremony

Tim Marlow (Director of Exhibitions, White Cube, Great Britain), the Award Ceremony presenter

Eckhard Schneider, the Future Generation Art Prize International Jury member, General Director of the PinchukArtCentre

Artists Amalia Pica and Joao Maria Gusmao

The Future Generation Art Prize 2012 Award Ceremony

The Future Generation Art Prize 2012 Award Ceremony

The Future Generation Art Prize 2012 Award Ceremony

Marwa Arsanios, the Future Generation Art Prize 2012 Special Prize Winner

International Jury Members Agnaldo Farias and Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, and artist Marwa Arsanios

International Jury Members Agnaldo Farias and Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, and artist Micol Assael, the Future Generation Art Prize 2012 Special Prize Winner

Jonathas de Andrade, the Future Generation Art Prize 2012 Special Prize Winner

International Jury Members Agnaldo Farias and Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, and artist Jonathas de Andrade

Ahmet Öğüt, the Future Generation Art Prize 2012 Special Prize Winner

Ahmet Öğüt, the Future Generation Art Prize 2012 Special Prize Winner

International Jury Member Agnaldo Farias and artist Micol Assael, the Future Generation Art Prize 2012 Special Prize Winner

Rayyane Tabet, the Future Generation Art Prize 2012 Special Prize Winner

Rayyane Tabet, the Future Generation Art Prize 2012 Special Prize Winner

International Jury Member Eckhard Schneider and Carol Yinghua Lu

Tim Marlow, the Award Ceremony presenter, on the phone line with Lynette Yiadom-Boakye, The Future Generation Art Prize 2012 Main Prize Winner

Tim Marlow, the Award Ceremony presenter, on the phone line with Lynette Yiadom-Boakye, The Future Generation Art Prize 2012 Main Prize Winner

Victor Pinchuk, Founder of the Future Generation Art Prize

Artists, nominated for the Future Generation Art Prize 2012

The Future Generation Art Prize 2012 Award Ceremony

Future Generation Art Prize 2012 Special Prize Winners

International Jury Members Agnaldo Farias, Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, Carol Yinghua Lu and Eckhard Schneider

Eckhard Schneider, the Future Generation Art Prize International Jury member, General Director of the PinchukArtCentre

International Jury Members Agnaldo Farias, Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, Carol Yinghua Lu and Eckhard Schneider

International Jury Members Agnaldo Farias, Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev and Carol Yinghua Lu

Larisa Venediktova, performer, theatre director and curator; Anna Zvyagintseva, artist

The Future Generation Art Prize 2012 Award Ceremony guests

The Future Generation Art Prize 2012 Award Ceremony guests

Zinaida Likhacheva, designer

The Future Generation Art Prize 2012 Award Ceremony guests

Kyiv Planetarium

The Future Generation Art Prize 2012 Award Ceremony