Future Generation Art Prize @ Venice – Ukrainian Collateral Event on the 55th Venice Biennale (La Biennale di Venezia)
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Courtesy PinchukArtCentre
Photo by Sergey Illin

Palazzo Contarini Polignac (Venice, Italy)

Palazzo Contarini Polignac (Venice, Italy)

Palazzo Contarini Polignac Entrance

First visitors of the Future Generation Art Prize @ Venice 2013

Jonathas de Andrade, Nostalgia, sentimento de classe (Nostalgia, a class sentiment), 2012. 346 pieces of fiberglass with automotive paint and Lambda print

Jonathas de Andrade, Nostalgia, sentimento de classe (Nostalgia, a class sentiment), 2012. 346 pieces of fiberglass with automotive paint and Lambda print

Jonathas de Andrade, Nostalgia, sentimento de classe (Nostalgia, a class sentiment), 2012. 346 pieces of fiberglass with automotive paint and Lambda print

Marwa Arsanios, "Have You Ever Killed a Bear?" or Becoming Jamila, 2012. Performance and set (wooden boards and prints)

Marwa Arsanios, "Have You Ever Killed a Bear?" or Becoming Jamila, 2012. Performance and set (wooden boards and prints)

Marwa Arsanios, "Have You Ever Killed a Bear?" or Becoming Jamila, 2012. Performance and set (wooden boards and prints)

Micol Assaël, Υπερενταση (Overstrain), 2012. Video installation and sound 5+1

Abigail DeVille, Wild Seed, 2013. Wooden piles, iron, canvas, paint

Abigail DeVille, Wild Seed, 2013. Wooden piles, iron, canvas, paint

Abigail DeVille, Wild Seed, 2013. Wooden piles, iron, canvas, paint

Aurelien Froment, Pulmo Marina, 2010. HD video with sound, transfer to Blu-Ray, duration 5 min 10 sec

Aurelien Froment, Pulmo Marina, 2010. HD video with sound, transfer to Blu-Ray, duration 5 min 10 sec

Mykyta Kadan, Babooshka (Ensuring mausoleum), 2013. Concrete, glass, bread

Mykyta Kadan, Babooshka (Ensuring mausoleum), 2013. Concrete, glass, bread

Mykyta Kadan, Babooshka (Ensuring mausoleum), 2013. Concrete, glass, bread

Meiro Koizumi, Portrait of a Young Samurai, 2009. Multi-channel video installation, duration 9 minutes

Meiro Koizumi, Double Projection, 2013. 2-channel Video Installation with a framed photo, duration 15 minutes 40 seconds

Meiro Koizumi, Double Projection, 2013. 2-channel Video Installation with a framed photo, duration 15 minutes 40 seconds

André Komatsu, Construção de Valores, 2012. Iindustrial fans, photocopies on paper

André Komatsu, Substrato economic, 2013. Cocrete blocks, spray paint

André Komatsu, Construção de Valores, 2012. Iindustrial fans, photocopies on paper

Eva Kot’átková, Theatre of speaking objects (Becoming objects), 2013. Performative installation with audio

Eva Kot’átková, Theatre of speaking objects (Becoming objects), 2013. Performative installation with audio

Eva Kot’átková, Theatre of speaking objects (Becoming objects), 2013. Performative installation with audio

Tala Madani, Morris men with piss stain, 2013. Oil on canvas (center). Rare projection (Modern shit), 2013. Oil on canvas (on sides)

Tala Madani, Rare projection (Modern shit), 2013. Oil on canvas

Tala Madani, Rare projection (Modern shit), 2013. Oil on canvas

Basim Magdy, Time Laughs Back at You Like a Sunken Ship, 2012. Super 8 film transferred to HD video, duration 9 min 31 sec

Basim Magdy, Time Laughs Back at You Like a Sunken Ship, 2012. Super 8 film transferred to HD video, duration 9 min 31 sec

Ahmet Öğüt, EyeWriter/DIY/arbakir, 2012-2013. Installation and two channel video

Ahmet Öğüt, EyeWriter/DIY/arbakir, 2012-2013. Installation and two channel video

Ahmet Öğüt, EyeWriter/DIY/arbakir, 2012-2013. Installation and two channel video

Amalia Pica, Constructed view, 2013. Photocopies, wallpaper paste (left). From Square to Star, 2010. Wood, screws, paint (right)

Amalia Pica, From Square to Star, 2010 (left). Constructed view, 2013 (center). The wireless way, 2013. Balloon, helium, rope, copper wire, wood spool (right)

Agnieszka Polska, My Favourite Things, 2010. HD video, duration 6 min 05 sec

Emily Roysdon, Our Short Century, 2012. 23 silver gelatin prints, silkscreen, song and HD video

Emily Roysdon, Our Short Century, 2012. 23 silver gelatin prints, silkscreen, song and HD video

Emily Roysdon, Our Short Century, 2012. 23 silver gelatin prints, silkscreen, song and HD video

Rayyane Tabet, Architecture Lessons, 2012. From the series "Five Distant Memories: The Suitcase, The Room, The Toys, The Boat and Maradona". Concrete casts of a wood toy block set.

Rayyane Tabet, Architecture Lessons, 2012. From the series "Five Distant Memories: The Suitcase, The Room, The Toys, The Boat and Maradona". Concrete casts of a wood toy block set.

Rayyane Tabet, Architecture Lessons, 2012. From the series "Five Distant Memories: The Suitcase, The Room, The Toys, The Boat and Maradona". Concrete casts of a wood toy block set.

Yan Xing, Sweet Movie, 2013. Performance, 2 channel video (colour, silent)

Yan Xing, Sweet Movie, 2013. Performance, 2 channel video (colour, silent)

Paintings by Lynette Yiadom-Boakye

Paintings by Lynette Yiadom-Boakye

Paintings by Lynette Yiadom-Boakye

Works by João Maria Gusmão + Pedro Paiva collective

Works by João Maria Gusmão + Pedro Paiva collective

João Maria Gusmão + Pedro Paiva, Camera Inside Camera, 2012. Bronze sculpture

R.E.P., Eurorenovation. Ways to Improve, 2010-2013. Installation

R.E.P., Eurorenovation. Ways to Improve, 2010-2013. Installation

R.E.P., Eurorenovation. Ways to Improve, 2010-2013. Installation