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Рoetry reading of Tadeusz Dąbrowski’s collection "Black Square"

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Photographs provided by the PinchukArtCentre © 2012. Photographed by Valentyna Rostovikova

Participants of the event
Participants of the event
Participants of the event
Translator of the book "Black Square" Vasyl Lozynsky and polish poet Tadeusz Dąbrowski
Participants of the event
Participants of the event
Moderator of the discussion Tatyana Kochukinska, artist Lesya Khomenko, poet Tadeusz Dąbrowski, transtator of the book "Black Square" Vasyl Lozynsky and ІІ Secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Ukraine Anna Łazar
Poet Tadeusz Dąbrowski and ІІ Secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Ukraine Anna Łazar
Polish poet Tadeusz Dąbrowski and translator of the book "Black Square" Vasyl Lozynsky
Drawning of the participant of the event
Artist Lesya Khomenko, poet Tadeusz Dąbrowski, transtator of the book "Black Square" Vasyl Lozynsky and ІІ Secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Ukraine Anna Łazar
Participants of the event
Translator of the book "Black Square" Vasyl Lozynsky
Artist Lesya Khomenko, poet Tadeusz Dąbrowski
Moderator of the discussion Tatyana Kochukinska, artist Lesya Khomenko and ІІ Secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Ukraine Anna Łazar
Translator of the book "Black Square" Vasyl Lozynsky and polish poet Tadeusz Dąbrowski
Participants of the event
Participants of the event
Translator of the book "Black Square" Vasyl Lozynsky
Poet Tadeusz Dąbrowski
Poet Tadeusz Dąbrowski with participants of the event
Poet Tadeusz Dąbrowski with participants of the event
Translator of the book "Black Square" Vasyl Lozynsky with the participant of the event
ІІ Secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Ukraine Anna Łazar with paticipant of the event
Poet Tadeusz Dąbrowski with participants of the event
Participants of the event