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Research Platform: Transformation exhibition

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Photographs provided by the PinchukArtCentre © 2016. Photographed by Sergey Illin.

Vasyl Tsagolov. Orgy. 2006, oil on canvas, video projection
Illya Chichkan, The Rabbits, 2000 c-print
Oleksandr Roitburd. Lady in White, 1993, oil on canvas
Oleg Golosiy, Good Sensation, 1991, oil on canvas
Svitlana Martynchik, Ihor Stiopin. The Blacks Loading Carbon by Night. 1987, oil on canvas
Edouard Kolodiy, Anatomy for the Artist, 1995, mixed technique on paper
Oleg Golosiy. I Heard Anna Sergeyevna, Your Son Died. 1991, oil on canvas
Oleg Golosiy. Shot, 1991, oil on canvas