«Dot, line, possibilities»
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When using photos, please, note copyright information:
Photographs provided by the PinchukArtCentre © 2020. Photographed by Maksym Bilousov.

General view of the exposition

Heorhii Alaverdov. My compass, 2019

Yelizaveta Bukina. Bird, 2020

Oleksii Ovdienko. Several Days Later, 2020

Daryna Malyuk. Daryna's Pets, 2020

Oleksii Ovdienko. Landscape, 2019

Nazar Yonenko. Left: Fakty ICTV. Right: Bratyslavska Street, 2020

Pavlo Khomenko. Weapons from Miyadzaki's "Princess Mononoke", 2020

Pavlo Khomenko. Weapons from Miyadzaki's "Princess Mononoke", 2020

Varvara Shyshlova. Animals' Eyes: Toucan's Eye, Crocodile's Eye, Cat's Eye, Chameleon's Eye, Snail's Eye, Lizard's Eye, 2020

Mark Volkov. Untitled, 2020

Works by Kyrylo Smereka (Rescue Tug, Twin-Hulled Ship Khadjibey, Emergency Ministry's Container Ship), 2020

Olha Zholobetska. Series "Yeva the Dag Yeva the Cot", 2019

Daryna Malyuk. Diaries, 2016-2020

Artem Oliynyk. Heat of the sun, 2020

Oleksii Ovdienko. Series "Better born lucky. Red", 2020

Left: Varvara Shyshlova. By the Sea, 2020. Right: Heorhii Alaverdov. By the Black Sea, drawing from a frame from the video "By the Sea", 2020

ID (Fragment of collective work with a drawing by Daryna Malyuk)

General view of the exposition

General view of the exposition

General view of the exposition

General view of the exposition

General view of the exposition

General view of the exposition

General view of the exposition

Fragment of the exposition

Oleksii Ovdienko. Series "Better born lucky. Red", 2020

Fragment of the exposition

Daryna Malyuk. Diaries, 2016-2020

General view of the exposition

General view of the exposition