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Press preview of the exhibition “Paul McCartney. Paintings”

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Paul McCartney. Paintings
Peter Doroshenko, art-director of the PinchukArtCentre
Red triangle sand, 1992. Paintings by Paul McCartney ©2008 Paul McCartney
Shark on Georgica, 1993. Paintings by Paul McCartney ©2008 Paul McCartney
Frisbee on the beach, 1993. Paintings by Paul McCartney ©2008 Paul McCartney
Megalithic driftwood, 1993. Paintings by Paul McCartney ©2008 Paul McCartney
Horse and rider, 1999. Paintings by Paul McCartney ©2008 Paul McCartney
Blue wave, 1990. Paintings by Paul McCartney ©2008 Paul McCartney
Boxer lips, 1990. Paintings by Paul McCartney ©2008 Paul McCartney
Scratch man, 1989. Boxer lips, 1990. Half Red fog face, 1990. Paintings by Paul McCartney ©2008 Paul McCartney
Pintos in the sky with desert poppy, 1991. Paintings by Paul McCartney ©2008 Paul McCartney
Big mountain face, 1991. Pintos in the sky with desert poppy, 1991. Paintings by Paul McCartney ©2008 Paul McCartney
Andy in the garden, 1990. Paintings by Paul McCartney ©2008 Paul McCartney
Ginsberg’s cosmos, 1996. Paintings by Paul McCartney ©2008 Paul McCartney
Pumpkins, 1989. Paintings by Paul McCartney ©2008 Paul McCartney