Tuesday through Sunday from 12:00 until 21:00
Closed Monday
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Collector Victor Pinchuk denounces “repressive regimes” in eastern Ukraine at art awards ceremony
Given the headlines from Ukraine over the past half-year—with Kiev's Independence Square, also known as Maidan, seeing months of protests and violence lead to President Viktor Yanukovych fleeing the country in February, followed by Russia's widely condemned annexation of the Crimea region—flying into Kiev in mid-May was a slightly worrying proposition.
A WEEK before Ukraine’s anticipated elections, PinchukArtCentre, located in central Kyiv just a few minutes walk from the city’s Maidan Square, opened coinciding solo shows by three young Ukrainian artists: Nikita Kadan, Zhanna Kadyrova, and Artem Volokitin.
Despite Russia-fueled separatist violence in the East and the country’s uncertain future, Ukraine finds room for art.
Auf dem Maidan in Kiew engagierten sich viele Künstler. Sie hofften auf einen heiteren und kreativen Protest und kämpften für eine moderne Zivilgesellschaft. Inzwischen bereiten sie sich auf einen Krieg vor. Von Georg Diez
Lesya Prokopenko reports from the award ceremony of the 2013 edition