Tuesday through Sunday from 12:00 until 21:00
Closed Monday
Admission is Free
In December, the temperature in Kiev rarely ventures above freezing. It's the sort of cold that numbs your legs and leaves your toes half-frozen. But last Friday outside the Pinchuk Art Centre, a line of 20-somethings, bundled under layers of fur and down, stretched to the block's end
London's Lynette Yiadom-Boakye has been announced as the main prize winner of the Future Generation Art Prize, established by the Victor Pinchuk Foundation. An international award for artists under the age of 35, the prize comes with $100,000 ($60,000 in cash and $40,000 toward the production of new work)
O alagoano radicado no Recife Jonathas de Andrade levou o Prêmio Especial no Future Generation Art Prize, cuja cerimônia de entrega foi sexta (7), em Kiev, na Ucrânia. Ele divide o dinheiro – inicialmente US$ 20 mil, mas que deverá ser aumentado, segundo Victor Pinchuk, fundador da premiação – com mais quatro artistas: Micol Assael (Itália), Ahmet Ögüt (Turquia), Rayyane Tabet e (Líbano), Marwa Arsanios (Líbano)
The glossy, blue-chip contemporary art owned by the Ukrainian collector vies with the cerebral, sometimes obscure work produced by the young artists up for the prize that Pinchuk has funded
The Kiev-based Pinchuk Art Centre awarded British painter Lynette Yiadom-Boakye $100,000 as the winner of the Future Generation Art Prize at a ceremony last Friday. Of 21 international finalists Yiadom-Boakye was chosen by a jury including such art-world luminaries as Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, Massimiliano Gioni, and Hans Ulrich Obrist, among others
The London-based painter Lynette Yiadom-Boakye has won the Future Generation Art Prize, the $100,000 award organised by the Pinchuk Art Centre
Last weekend, the PinchukArtCentre announced the winner Future Generation Art Prize, along with a slew of “special” prizes, each boasting a description too long to capitalize (but also a $20,000 artist-in-residency grant.)
La pittrice britannica Lynette Yiadom-Boakye è la vincitrice del Premio indetto dal Pinchuk Art Center e porterà a casa la somma di 100,000 dollari. L’artista, selezionata tra una rosa di 21 finalisti under 35, è conosciuta per i suoi ritratti di persone di colore. I suoi lavori, creati appositamente per il Pinchuk, saranno esposti a Kiev fino al 6 gennaio 2013