"PARCOMMUNE. Place. Community. Phenomenon" Exhibition
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Photographs provided by the PinchukArtCentre © 2016. Photographed by Sergey Illin.

"PARCOMMUNE. Place. Community. Phenomenon" Exhibition

Walk with Oleksandr Soloviov, September 14, 2016, Video, 35' 22'' Commissioned by the PinchukArtCentre; Oleksandr Hnylytskyi, Natalia Filonenko, Maksym Mamsikov, Bearing the Coffin, 1992 video, 15’ 15’’ performance documentation Courtesy of the artists

Vasyl Tsagolov, born 1957, Père Lachaise on Karl Marx Street, or Execution of the Paris Communards, 1993, performance photodocumentation by Mykola Trokh (1961–2007). Courtesy of the artist

Oleksandr Hnylytskyi, 1961–2009, Hark! 1990, oil on canvas

Oleksandr Druganov, Today I Saw the Stairs with People Rising and Falling, 1992, digital print. Courtesy of the Artist

Arsen Savadov, Georgiy Senchenko, Untitled, 1991 pencil on bronzed paper

Oleksandr Roitburd, Moving Towards the Sea (The Ship of Fools), 1992, oil on canvas. Courtesy of the Directorate of Exhibitions of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine

The exposition displays materials from the private archives of Oleksandr Soloviov, Dmytro Kavsan, Kirill Protsenko and Arsen Savadov

The exposition displays materials from the private archives of Oleksandr Soloviov, Dmytro Kavsan, Kirill Protsenko and Arsen Savadov.

Pavlo Kerestey, born 1962, Painter, Paint Me a Picture, 1990–1992, performance, series of paintings: oil on canvas Courtesy of Zenko Foundation; Dmytro Kavsan, Imitation of Shoe Polish, 1991, oil and tubes of shoe polish over the door

Dmytro Kavsan, Presentation of Mary, 1988, oil on canvas. Courtesy of the Artist

Yuri Solomko, born 1962, Stolen Kiss, 1991, oil on offset laminated map over canvas. Private collection of Natalya Zabolotna

Yuri Solomko, born 1962, Rewriting Anew, 1992, oil on paper over canvas. Courtesy of the Artist

Dmytro Kavsan, A Big Dwarf Female, 1991, oil on canvas. Courtesy of the Artist

Leonid Vartyvanov, 1966–2006, Sincerely you, 1993 relief, casting, metal chain, L.E.D. Private collection of Ihor Voronov, Kyiv

Dmytro Kavsan, born 1964, An Attempt of Menuet on the Ruins, 1989 oil on canvas. Courtesy of the Artist

Oleg Golosi, 1965–1993, Running from the Thunderstorm, 1989, oil on canvas; In a Hammock, 1991 oil on canvas

Oleksandr Hnylytskyi, 1961–2009, AG (From the Futurists’s Life), 1990, oil on canvas. Courtesy of the Artist’s Family; Oleksandr Roitburd, born 1961, Hymn to Demons and Heroes, 1989, oil on canvas. Courtesy of the Artist

Valeria Troubina, born 1966, Heavenly Chorus, 1989, oil and enamel on canvas. Private collection of Ihor Voronov, Kyiv

Arsen Savadov (born 1962), Georgiy Senchenko (born 1962), materials from "Sadness of Cleopatra"

Oleg Golosiy, 1965–1993, Portrait of poet Ligeiros, 1992, oil on canvas. Private collection of Ihor Voronov, Kyiv; The Angel Came, 1992 oil on canvas Private collection of Ihor Voronov, Kyiv

Oleksandr Klymenko, born 1963, Speaking of Silence, 1992, oil on canvas. Private collection of Slava Stoyanov

Maksym Mamsikov, born 1968, Hole, 1992, oil on canvas. Private collection of A.V. Bereznyakov

Valeria Troubina, born 1966, Entering the Shadow, 1991, oil on canvas. Private collection of Petro Bagriy

Illya Isupov, born 1971, Untitled, 1993, etching. Courtesy of the artist

Illya Chichkan, Exalted, 1992, oil on canvas. Private collection of Petro Bagriy

Oleksandr Hnylytskyi, 1961–2009, Untitled, early 1990s ink on paper. Courtesy of the Artist’s Family

Oleg Golosiy, 1965–1993, Muse (Trip), 1991, oil on canvas

Maksym Mamsikov, born 1968, Lantern, 1994, oil on canvas. Private collection of A.V. Bereznyakov; Valeria Troubina, born 1966, Winter Remembrance of Admiral, 1991, oil on canvas. Private collection of Petro Bagriy

Oleksandr Hnylytskyi, 1961–2009, Untitled, early 1990s ink on paper. Courtesy of the Artist’s Family

Andriy Kazandjy, born 1970, Katya’s lashes, early 1990s, oil on canvas. Private collection of Anatoliy Dymchuk

Vasyl Tsagolov, born 1957, From the World Without Ideas series, 1992, digital print. Courtesy of the artist

Arsen Savadov (born 1962), Georgiy Senchenko (born 1962) On the Death of Golosiy, 1993, performance video, 50’. Courtesy of the Artists

Oleg Golosiy, 1965–1993, Eyes, 1992, oil on canvas. Courtesy of the National Art Museum of Ukraine Collection

Kirill Protsenko, Lighter, 1992 oil on canvas. Courtesy of the Artist

Maksym Mamsikov, Death of Buratino, 1992, oil on canvas, сourtesy of the Artist