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Sam Taylor-Wood. Solo exhibition
17 January 2009 - 1 March 2009

First ever solo exhibition to be held in Eastern Europe by a British artist Sam Taylor-Wood showcases her new video and photographic works, critically acclaimed ones as well as exciting world premier video art work "3 Minute Round" with the Klitschko brother participating.

A survey exhibition presents important new video and photographic works including a video installation "Sigh" based on an orchestra performance; photographic self-portraits from the "Bram Stoker's Chair III" and "Self Portrait Suspended", and also from the new "Escape Artist" series.
In a unique grouping of additional video art works - shown at the Ukrainian Pavilion at the 2007 Venice Biennale - the PinchukArtCentre will also highlight: "That White Rush," "The Last Century," and "The Servant", all visually engaging and internationally critically acclaimed. The exciting world premier video art work, "3 Minute Round" brings together the Klitschko brothers in a rare artistic film.

Peter Doroshenko, Artistic Director of the PinchukArtCentre, curator of the exhibition: "Testing our physical and emotional limits, Sam Taylor-Wood examines the vulnerability and fragility of the human body, addressing the major themes of life and death, and reflecting on our own mortality. Whilst contemporary in feel and presentation, her work references the symbolism of Dutch still life and Renaissance paintings. This exhibition consolidates Taylor-Wood as an artist whose work is magical and constantly surprising".