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FGAP 2010 People's Choice Prize

Ziad Antar
born and resides in Lebanon

Artist's Works

Through film and photography Antar depicts Lebanon today. The cultural, political and economical shifts are the central theme in his work, showing the void, which has remained after the recent war. In Terres de pomme de terre, Antar reflects on the globalized economical movements that define regional identities through an investigation of the potato industry in Lebanon in comparison to the European situation. He uses a visual language closely linked to the documentary genre, where the focus is not on individuals and their stories but on general subjects that allow the viewer to reflect on the subject in a more abstract way.

At PAC, Antar presents the work Terres de pomme de terre together with a new version of the film shown in its original 16mm format for the first time.

Click the thumbnail to enlarge
Terres de pomme de terre, 2009

Terres de pomme de terre, 2009

Terres de pomme de terre, 2009

Terres de pomme de terre, 2009

Terres de pomme de terre, 2009

Terres de pomme de terre, 2009

Terres de pomme de terre, 2009

Terres de pomme de terre, 2009

Terres de pomme de terre, 2009

Terres de pomme de terre, 2009

Terres de pomme de terre, 2009

Terres de pomme de terre, 2009

Terres de pomme de terre, 2009

Terres de pomme de terre, 2009

Terres de pomme de terre, 2009

Terres de pomme de terre, 2009

Terres de pomme de terre, 2009

Terres de pomme de terre, 2009

Terres de pomme de terre, 2009

Terres de pomme de terre, 2009

Terres de pomme de terre, 2009

Terres de pomme de terre, 2009

Terres de pomme de terre, 2009

Terres de pomme de terre, 2009

Terres de pomme de terre, 2009

Terres de pomme de terre, 2009

Terres de pomme de terre, 2009

Terres de pomme de terre, 2009

Ziad Antar 46, Lebanon

Ziad Antar

Ziad Antar was born 1978 in Saida, Lebanon. He currently lives and works in Paris and Beirut. After receiving a degree in agricultural engineering in 2001, he began working with photography and video. In 2002 Antar directed his first documentary on the French photographer Jean-Luc Moulene and he has since filmed several documentaries for the Arabic news station al-Arabiya. Without becoming overtly political, Antar often investigates a world marked by war and violence.

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