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FGAP 2010 People's Choice Prize

Kateřina Šedá
born and resides in Czech Republic

Artist's Works

The changing society which loses its initial identity, or a new architecture which alienates its own inhabitants, these things engage Kateřina Šedá in creating “social games” which are artistic projects that investigate a micro-society by involving its individuals. This means her commitment is not limited to an artistic process, but that she seeks to engage in society itself by actively including social models, individuals or communities. Once the game is finalized, reimagining the documentation of the “social game” becomes the work, through which Šedá creates a dynamic installation.

At PAC, Šedá presents her new project Mirror Hill, for which she has involved the community of Tüköhegy, a new quarter in the town of Törökbálint, 15 km from Budapest. Her project explores the new urban structure and how it defines its inhabitants, their perception and experience.

Click the thumbnail to enlarge
Mirror Hill, 2010

Mirror Hill, 2010

Mirror Hill, 2010

Mirror Hill, 2010

Mirror Hill, 2010

Mirror Hill, 2010

Mirror Hill, 2010

Mirror Hill, 2010

Mirror Hill, 2010

Mirror Hill, 2010

Mirror Hill, 2010

Mirror Hill, 2010

Katerina Seda 47, Czech Republic

Katerina Seda

Kateřina Šedá was born 1977 in Brno, Czech Republic. She studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague and the School of Applied Arts in Brno. Her projects are mostly carried out in the area where she lives (in the countryside or the city outskirts). Šedá has exhibited in numerous solo and group exhibitions, including the Berlin Biennale (2008), the Biennale de Lyon (2009) and others.

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